Canvas Model • How to apply it to your Business

When you have a business idea, antes de llevarla a la prá;ctic, the first thing we must do is construir un modelo que sea ú;Useful to analyze the company that we intend to make a reality, con el propó;site to know if it is viable and evaluate its profitability. Algo que tambié;n can be important in case of having an already operational company. Traditionally, this has been a complex task that demands a lot of time and effort.

En el añ;o 2008 el suizo Alexander Osterwalder publicó; the book Business Model Generation based on his Doctoral Thesis work on Business Model Canvas, or simply Canvas Model. El mé;everything created by Osterwalder allows construir un modelo de negocio de una forma rá;ask and simple.

La intenció;n is help speed up the development of business initiatives, algo que es muy ú;til para afrontar la diná;mica cambiante que encontramos hoy dí;in the different scenarios of globalized markets. Currently, este mé;everything has become a widely used tool para diseñ;ar the projects of new companies, así; como tambié;n como un insumo para la gestió;No. of established companies.

En este artí;Ass we present to you what the Canvas Model consists of, cuá;He is the structure that he proposes, los mó;dules that constitute it, qué; hacer para generar tu propio modelo y có;how to apply it to your business.

¿;Qué; es y para qué; the canvas model works?

;sicamente es una metodologí;a de gestió;no business that plantea describir un modelo de negocio cubriendo cuatro á;reas that are considered as priorities: the clients, the offer, la infraestructura y la viabilidad econó;mica.

Su propó;sito consiste en explicar de una manera rá;ask and simple, mediante el uso de una representació;n grá;fica, ;mo es la ló;logic that a business follows to generate income and obtain profitability.

The canvas model proposes a estructura con base en nueve mó;dulos bá;sick, arranged and interconnected as shown in figure 1. Cada uno de estos mó;dulos define una caracterí;stica especí;business record.


business model canvas


The canvas is organized around the value proposition, placed in the central part of the scheme. In the area on the right are the blocks associated with entities or actions outside the company. In this way, it is established that the proposal is sent to the customer segments with whom we will establish relationships., a travé;s of certain channels, con el propó;income generating site.

In the area on the left we have the blocks associated with elements and internal operations of the company. Así; that to make the value proposition tangible, con la participació;n and assistance from partners, we must carry out a set of activities with the support and use of key resources. Lo anterior determina la estructura de costes y en definitiva é;this is the inversió;n what is needed to sustain the business.

By being able to define all these aspects and complete the proposed structure in a coherent way there is a first indicator of the viability of the business. For his part, la relació;n between sources of income and cost structure permite tener una buena estimació;n of profitability.

¿;;mo make a canvas model?

To make a canvas model, the first thing you should do is print the canvas. (canvas) con los nueve mó;dules that make it up, en un tamañ;o adecuado para que sea legible la informació;n to be placed in each box.

Despué;s hay que proceder a rellenarlo siguiendo las indicaciones y el orden que te especificamos a continuació;n:

  • Value proposal: Es el mó;module on which the business idea is centered, en este se pone de manifiesto lo que se tiene para ofrecer y que es de interé;s or useful for customers. Es importante señ;find out what makes us different from the rest, establecer cuá;les son las ventajas competitivas y en qué; measure serves to meet customer needs.
  • Customer Segments: Clients represent each and every one of the business opportunities towards which to direct our value proposition. They can be people or companies, agrupados en segmentos que comparten alguna caracterí;stica en comú;n, which we must strive to identify; for instance: age, taste or need.
  • Channels: Está;n made up of different media, direct or indirect, a travé;s of which we communicate or interact with customer segments. These channels represent a fundamental resource and must be effective, ;ask, efficient and profitable, tanto para dar a conocer la propuesta de valor como para su posterior distribució;no and sale.
  • Relació;No with Clients: We must define the best ways and strategies to interact with customers, in a manner consistent with the segment to which the value proposition is directed, considering the available channels. This is what will ultimately establish the image and prestige of the business, something very important to attract, attract and retain customers.
  • Source of Income: This represents the money that is intended to be generated, algo que será; useful to quantify and evaluate its profitability. Con este propó;site, es muy importante valorar cuá;nto dinero estarí;Are customers willing to pay for our products or services?, así; como tambié;n la frecuencia y otras caracterí;payment statistics; for instance: efectivo o a cré;here.
  • Key Resources: They are the means you need to have to make your value proposition come true. These can be human resources, econó;monkeys, ;physical and intellectual; for instance: a local, personal, machinery or patents. Estas necesidades son la que determinan en gran medida la inversió;n that is required to make viable and maintain the business.
  • Key Activities: Within the set of all the activities to be carried out, These are the ones that provide the greatest value and are essential for the business to function. Se relacionan principalmente con las á;reas de producció;n, sales and support. Definirlas te permitirá; tener en claro el tipo de empresa a la que te dedicará;s, hacia donde enfocar y có;mo boost it.
  • Key Partners: They are alliances that we need either to specify the model or to strengthen it.. It is a factor of great importance today, que en la mayorí;a of the cases determines the profitability of the same, as a consequence of the competition that manifests itself in a globalized market.
  • Cost Structure: Definitely, It serves to know the money that we must invest for the operation of the company. It is mainly focused on quantifying the costs of resources and activities, to later try to minimize them. Un manejo adecuado y preciso de este rengló;n nos permitirá; improve the profitability of our business model.


¿;;how to apply this model to your business?

The Canvas Model can be used in all types of business, it is adaptable to any business strategy, así; that we invite you to apply it in your company. A continuació;n, te damos las indicaciones sobre có;you proceed:

  • The first thing is to develop the Canvas Model of your business idea. Para esto te sugerimos recurrir a las secciones previas de este artí;culo y en especial el rengló;n sobre ¿;;mo make a canvas model?, siguiendo los respectivos enlaces para obtener mayores detalles sobre cada uno de los mó;dulos y recibir orientaciones que te ayudará;n a generar la informació;no necessary.
  • Una vez completado el lienzo tendrá;s in sight all the elements that make up the business, what allows comprender de forma clara y concisa la relació;n between offer, customers, infrastructure and profitability. Already in this instance it is possible to validate the viability.
  • Seguidamente puedes evaluar la idea de negocio realizando aná;lisis y contrastando cada uno de los 9 mó;dules with the reality of the market. En funció;No of results, realiza los cambios de rigor en los elementos del modelo con el propó;site to optimize your profitability, maintaining viability.
  • Finally, creates and organizes plans or strategies to promote actions that make these changes a reality in the respective company processes.

Ventajas de este mé;all

Entre las principales ventajas del Modelo Canvas podemos señ;wings next:

  • It is simple and concise, se construye con base en la elaboració;n a simple template.
  • Tiene una representació;n grá;fica, lo que permite visualizar y comprender rá;ask all business.
  • Is applicable for all types of businesses.
  • Es diná;monkey, se puede cambiar el contenido de cada uno de los mó;dulos without affecting the structure of the model.
  • Encourage the contribution of the members de cada mó;dulo in order to achieve the goals of the company.


Un modelo es tan só;lo una representació;n of reality and its importance lies in the fact that through its use we can analyze or predict some situations or results, con una precisió;n that will depend on its validity. Consequently, se recomienda poner el empeñ;o necessary and sufficient to build a model adapted as best as possible to reality.

Despué;Before developing and applying the model, it is important to review it again, con la intenció;n de realizar de manera continuada las correcciones de rigor que garanticen la viabilidad y coherencia entre los mó;dulos, para de esta forma contribuir con el é;company success.

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