Canvas value proposition • How to elaborate your proposal and Characteristics

One of the most relevant elements for any business model is the value proposition. This consists of a short phrase, aimed at the customer segment to be served, in which it is expresses clearly and concisely what we offer to solve a problem or cover a need.

At Canvas model está; representada en un mó;module that is located in the center of the structure and that serves as a link between the market and the company, las dos partes má;s important of any business. The foregoing shows that it is necessary to elaborate it properly for the model to be consistent, algo que resulta imprescindible si se quiere que el negocio tenga é;success.

Caracterí;sticas of the value proposition

Antes de desarrollar nuestra propuesta de valor es conveniente tener en consideració;n several factors that can be useful to us. Each of these factors represents a possible benefit for the customer segment and in principle constituyen ejes o dimensiones de la solució;n proposal in our business idea:


  • Price: La idea consiste en ofrecer soluciones a un precio má;s lower than the competition.


  • Novelty: Si la propuesta atiende problemas o necesidades que aú;n no habí;have been detected.


  • Quality: Cuando las cualidades de nuestros productos o servicios son mejores en comparació;not with the competition.


  • Convenience: Se hace é;Emphasis on facilitating customer activities and minimizing efforts.


  • Marca / Status: When you want to establish a fashion or trend in the customer segment.


  • Desempeñ;o: La solució;A proposal fulfills its mission in a superior way or with greater performance than that offered by other solutions.


  • Reducció;No of risks: Al adoptar nuestra solució;n the client will have a lower risk than with the competition; for instance: financial type, social or environmental.


  • Reducció;n of coasts: The proposal consists of optimizing expenses to minimize the total cost in production processes or other businesses.


  • Diseñ;o: Las caracterí;sticas artí;sticas de la solució;n are the ones that mainly define the proposal.


  • Personalizació;n: La solució;n can be adapted to meet the particular tastes or needs of each client.

¿;;how to develop the value proposition?

La propuesta de valor y el segmento de clientes son definiciones que está;n í;closely related; ;physically, one part cannot stand without the other. It can be said that the business idea arises when it is proposed ofrecer un beneficio con la finalidad de obtener una ganancia econó;mica, entendiendo que los clientes con su aporte son los que determinan una buena porció;n of said gain.

Consequently, first you have to identify customer problems or needs, that are consistent with our business idea. This means setting all those causas que sustentan la motivació;n of the customer to pay for the benefit offered. For instance: La necesidad de compartir informació;n personal with other people.

Una vez que hemos detectado los problemas o necesidades entonces procedemos a encontrarles una solució;n. Es lo que permitirá; dar respuesta a las pró;next questions:

¿;Qué; is what we offer to the client?

The answer must be something concrete. For instance, una aplicació;n web, a transport service, a tool, a team.

¿;Cuá;are the attributes of the proposal?

Estos son los que señ;alamos y describimos en la secció;n anterior: low price, novelty, quality, convenience, etc.

Con toda esta informació;n available we already have everything you need to to elaborate una frase que explique lo que proponemos como solució;no problem or need, sin mencionar explí;citamente sus caracterí;sticas.

Apoyá;based on the examples given, nuestra solució;n puede ser la conexió;n in network and its main attribute the convenience. This results in a phrase like the following: ;Conectar en red de forma rá;pida y fá;cil con grupos de familiares y amigos”;.

¿;;mo innovate with the proposal?

Despué;s de completar la propuesta de valor es importante responder las pró;next questions for introduce new ideas or changes to improve it:

¿;Está; properly oriented to meet the needs of our customers?

Consiste en validar nuestra hipó;problem or need thesis.

¿;;how customers perceive it?

Ú;til para conocer en qué; measure the benefits are valued.

¿;There are other companies that offer the same value at the same or lower price?

Indicador de que debes asegurarte de comunicar a los clientes los beneficios que hacen que tu solució;n be of higher price.

¿;Está;n customers well served by our competitors?

You can incorporate quality in the service to give greater value to the proposal.

¿;We will be able to cover the needs of different segments?

Try to adjust the offer to have access to these clients.

¿;Customers have additional needs?

Amplí;to offer to meet these needs, either with own resources or with new allies, to give added value to the proposal.

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