The Lean Canvas • What is it?, difference with the canvas model and Examples

Ya hemos explicado en nuestro artí;ass on the Canvas model que é;This is a very useful tool to model a business idea. En té;general terms, a modular structure is proposed where the value proposition is located in the center of the scheme, one part is dedicated to describing the market and another part to the company.

Sobre é;sta ú;the latter assumes that you have accurate knowledge of your environment, processes and resources. Nevertheless, la informació;n is extremely uncertain for start-ups, widely known in the business environment as startups.

Due to the high level of uncertainty The structure of the Canvas Model loses a good part of its usefulness for entrepreneurs of startups; Nevertheless, es un escenario ideal para aplicar el concepto de Lean Startup creado por Eric Ries en el añ;o 2008, para el desarrollo de negocios con base en la filosofí;to create-measure-learn.

Desarrollado por Ash Maurya en el añ;o 2010, Lean Canvas makes it easy for leans startups diseñ;air your business model. En este artí;Ass we present to you what the Lean Canvas consists of, cuá;are its differences with the traditional model, los principios de la metodologí;a Lean Startup and a canvas example for a business idea.


¿;Qué; is the Lean Canvas?

The Lean Canvas it is una adaptació;no. of Modelo Canvas de Alexander Osterwalder, created especially for the diseñ;o and aná;lysis from modelos de negocios con base en la relació;n between the market and the product or service.

Su propó;site is facilitate the development of startups that present a high level of uncertainty in their business model, así; como tambié;n promote the uso de la metodologí;a Lean Startup en la gestió;business no..

En el lienzo Lean Canvas se mantiene el esquema grá;I am original from the Model Canvas, are used nueve mó;dulos bá;physics to define the structure of the business model, segú;n is represented in figure 1.


Business Model Lean Canvas
Business Model Lean Canvas


The value proposition is placed in the center of the structure, un elemento que establece el enlace entre los mó;dules intended for describe and analyze the market, located on the right side, y los mó;modules located in the left zone that we will use to analyze and develop the products or services what we offer to the market.

Posed in this way, there is a scheme that is suitable for synthesize or analyze a business model based on the create-measure-learn cycle sobre el cual se fundamenta la metodologí;a Lean Startup.


¿;Qué; There is a difference between the lean canvas and the traditional canvas model?

Aunque ambos presentan un esquema grá;fico idé;ntico que les permite tener algunos puntos en comú;n, there is a concept difference in terms of how to structure the business idea. Un modelo establece una relació;n entre el cliente y la empresa mientras que el otro se enfoca en la relació;n between customer and product.

Tambié;n se presentan adaptaciones importantes en el Lean Canvas que son especí;ficas para los bloques que describimos a continuació;n:


  • customer segments: instead of serving a mass market, addresses the Early Adopters. A prototype of ideal customer to refine the value proposition.


  • Problems: is an element that replaces the key associations. Para una startup es má;it's important detect the problem on which the business activity will focus que estar buscando con quié;will not be associated.


  • Value proposal: se mantiene la idea de señ;find out what sets us apart from the rest, but oriented to exponer lo que ofrece nuestra solució;n to the problem regarding other available solutions.


  • Solució;n: este mó;module replaces the one for key activities. It consists of defining the main caracterí;characteristics that the product or service must have que está; intended to solve the problem or need.


  • Channels: en esencia se mantiene el propó;sito de ubicar cuá;les será;n the means of contacting customer segments, con la intenció;n de hacerle llegar nuestra solució;n. Includes everything related to the customer experience, no só;the sales phase.


  • Income streams: no variants, in both schemes it consists of defining the means by which we are going to generate money.


  • Cost structure: it also does not present variants, in both schemes it is a question of specifying all the elements or activities that generate expenses.


  • ;treble clef: this block replaces the key resources block, representa uno de los elementos novedosos y de mayor significancia para el aná;lysis and business development. It is necessary to identify the appropriate indicators that we must measure in order to make decisions with criteria..


  • Competitive advantage: un rengló;n that replaces that of customer relations. Es el rasgo o caracterí;main stica that defines us, lo que nos pone uno o varios escalones por encima de otros competidores y que les será; very difficult to reach.


Elaboració;on this canvas

Esto consiste en rellenar cada uno de los bloques o mó;dulos del grá;fico of figure 1, something to be done in the following order:


  • Se inicia con el mó;customer segment duo, for identify the Early Adopters of our product according to the initial business idea. Then we proceed to analyze this segment of special customers, for detect problems to solve or needs to satisfy.


  • Es conveniente señ;alarm that in some cases se puede invertir el orden en la ejecució;n of the first two activities; that is to say, primero detectar los problemas y despué;s identify customers.


  • Una vez completados los dos primeros mó;dules if proceed to reflect on the value proposition and solutions what we can offer to solve the problems, así; como tambié;n about the means of accessing customers.


  • Con toda esta informació;no longer possible realizar una estimació;No of the income stream. A continuació;n, must be define the cost structure to reflect all possible expenses.


  • Despué;yes you have to especificar la mé;trica key, with the respective indicators to support decision-making. Finally it must highlight our competitive advantage.


Once we have finished filling in all the blocks we will have a first outline of the business model. This should be understood as a flexible instrument on which we must perform several iterations until the model that best suits or represents the reality of the business is achieved.


An Example of Canvas Canvas

Para ayudarte a comprender mejor los conceptos presentados en el contenido de este artí;ass, hemos preparado un ejemplo sencillo para la elaboració;n de un lienzo Lean Canvas de una idea de negocio con base en tareas dirigidas para niñ;os. En la figura 2 podrá;s observar el resultado que se obtiene despué;s of the following reflections:


  • Para el segmento de clientes tenemos a padres con niñ;those of school age and Early adopters será;n padres que trabajan y que se preocupan por la formació;No of your children.


  • Possible problems include excess leisure time, la desatenció;n al niñ;o and poor school performance. Esto se podrí;to solve using the help of family or friends, asignando actividades en casa o inscribiendo al niñ;or in specialized courses.


  • Se ofrecerá; la atenció;n de niñ;os en edad escolar con ejecució;n of tasks directed as a value proposition.


  • Nuestra solució;n se deberá; caracterizar por brindar atenció;n personalizada segú;no particular requirements, a high level of responsibility and the management of a flexible schedule.


  • El contacto con los clientes se hará; a travé;s of the use of pamphlets, ;web pages and surveys.


  • El flujo de ingresos estará; made up of the money received for the payment of registrations and monthly payments, así; como por el cobro de servicios opcionales de transporte y alimentació;n.


  • Los costes incluirá;n marketing expenses, local payments, consumable materials and staff salaries.


  • Entre los indicadores a medir para evaluar y adaptar el modelo de negocio se van a considerar el nú;group of new customers, la recurrencia y las edades de los niñ;the subscribers.


  • Nuestra ventaja competitiva radica en la dilatada experiencia que se tiene en el á;rea de docencia con niñ;os.


Business Model Lean Canvas Sample
Business Model Lean Canvas Sample


As you can see, mediante una simple inspecció;n al lienzo Lean Canvas de la figura 2 se consigue obtener rá;ask for a clear and concise idea of ​​the business idea.



At the beginning of the development of the canvas, despué;s to locate the customer segment and detect problems, it is convenient to organize meetings with Early Adopters para validar nuestras hipó;problem theses.

Be careful not to use vain indicators cuya medició;n no resultará; ú;til para obtener una evaluació;proper n of business development.

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