Canvas Channels • Channel Types and How to Select Them

In the structure of Business Canvas Model, the canvas channels are all those means we use to communicate or to interact with the customer segment con el propó;site to publicize the value proposition, distribute it in the market and finalize its sale.

Son ú;tiles tambié;n para establecer una relació;n after-sales with customers, something that provides added value to the business and that helps them remain faithful to our products or services.

Para que el modelo de negocio tenga é;success hay que seleccionar los canales má;s suitable, those preferred by customers and with which the best results are obtained in each of the phases of the purchase process. En las pró;ximas secciones de este contenido te explicamos có;mo do it.

Canvas channel types

Los canales canvas podemos clasificarlos de acuerdo con la funció;n that comply with the business model, la forma como se interactú;a a travé;s de ellos con el cliente y cuá;l es su relació;company membership no.. This is a ordenamiento ú;til para analizar y evaluar las caracterí;available media statistics con el propó;sito de seleccionar los má;s appropriate.

Segú;n su funció;n


  • Comunicació;n: We use these channels to communicate with the market, principally to publicize the value proposition. Está;n muy relacionados con la intenció;n de informar a los clientes y generar interé;s about our products or services. Tambié;n son de utilidad para brindar servicios de atenció;n customer and post-sales.


  • Distribució;n: They are the ones we use for bring our products to market or In this case the market can be represented by a client, a stall, a dealer, o una combinació;no of these.


  • Sales: They are means to bring our value proposition to the customer in order to promote sales, especially in the short term. For instance, free sample delivery, offer package pricing, organizació;No of fairs and other events.

Segú;n su pertenencia a la empresa y la interacció;not with the client


  • Direct: They are their own channels, creados y utilizados para obtener beneficios por reducció;n of coasts al establecer una interacció;n direct with customers. For instance, a website, a commercial department or a sales department.


  • Indirect: These are means external to the company that provide customers with access to our products or services, although they generate an increase in their final cost. For instance, stores and distributors.

¿;;how to select channels canvas?

Para la selecció;n of the canvas channels it is appropriate to take into account each of the different phases in which we can divide the process that a customer experiences when buying, desde que detecta su problema o necesidad hasta que decide darle solució;n:

  • Fase de Informació;n: Does a ;Search for possible solutions for your problem or need.

Debemos utilizar canales adecuados para dar conocer nuestra propuesta de valor con el propó;site to attract customers. For this you have to identificar sus medios de bú;squeda de informació;No preferred. For instance: posicionamiento SEO en pá;ginas web, advertisements in newspapers and tv.


  • Fase de Evaluació;n: Analiza en detalle la informació;n you have collected, consider the different alternatives according to the benefits they offer and the budget available.

The channel should be useful for help the client evaluate our proposal, explicar las caracterí;stics that add value. Es conveniente el uso de publicaciones en pá;ginas web y de catá;logos.


  • Purchase Phase: Toma la decisió;n of acquiring the product or service and proceeds to locate the sales sites.

It is very important to facilitate this activity for the client, proporcionar informació;n enough to let you know ;nde y có;mo buy, así; como tambié;n offer various means or channels of payment.


  • Delivery Phase: Receive the product or service.

You have to think of the best way to deliver the value proposition using effective and efficient channels, that are adequate to meet delivery times and other requirements of each customer segment.


  • After-sales phase: Obtiene atenció;n personalizada en referencia al bien o servicio despué;s of having received it, either by request made or by initiative of the company itself.

Are required channels to implement strategies to retain customers.

Questions to ponder

These are very important questions that you must answer and on which you must reflect, para evaluar y validar tu selecció;n of canvas channels:


  1. ¿;Cuá;Most of these channels are the ones that customers prefer?
  2. ¿;Cuá;allow them to obtain the best results in each phase or stage?
  3. ¿;Con cuá;higher profitability is obtained?


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