Canvas customer segment • Criteria and How to Identify Them

En el mundo empresarial de nada vale ofrecer un servicio o desarrollar un producto si no existe un mercado que tenga interé;s y esté; willing to pay for it. At business model canvas el mercado está; representado bá;physically by customer segment.

Given a business idea, lo primero que se debe hacer es identificar quié;these are our customers, those market segments that fit the ideal profile towards which to direct the value proposition.

Para segmentar el mercado debemos conocer a los clientes y clasificarlos segú;n las caracterí;that are relevant to the business. This is important to focus on offering solutions to specific problems or needs, lo que hará; que podamos brindar un mayor grado de satisfacció;no benefit, despertando mayor interé;s in customers.

No less important is the fact of favoring formulació;n y ejecució;No of marketing strategies, así; How to have adequate knowledge to assess the scalability or growth of the business.

Criteria for the customer segment

It is important to know the criteria for segmenting the market in order to specify the clients to whom our value proposition should be directed. La fragmentació;n del mercado se realiza en funció;n de variables de í;ndole geográ;fico, demográ;fico, psicoló;logical or behavioral.


  • Geográ;fico: When the clients se relacionan con una ubicació;n geográ;fica especí;fica, ya sea un paí;s, regió;n, city ​​or town. Por lo general este criterio de clasificació;n está; conditioned by variables such as nationality, el tamañ;or and the population density, regional culture and climate, among others. Si bien las grandes compañ;í;so they can dedicate themselves to serving a global market, la realidad es que la mayorí;a of businesses operate in one location.


  • Demográ;fico: La clasificació;is not done con base en elementos estadí;sticos de la població;n. Age data is referenced, sex, ingresos econó;monkeys, ocupació;work no., level of study or marital status, así; como a cualquier otro dato que se pueda cuantificar y sea de interé;s for business development. Different variables are normally combined to make up this segment, as an example, mujeres casadas con edad entre 30 y 40 añ;os.


  • Psicoló;gico: Is when the way of thinking, to sense, perceive or behave from customers is similar, or at least very similar, in correspondence with the environment that surrounds them. Entre algunas de las variables que se utilizan en la aplicació;n this criterion we have the personality, the lifestyle, the values, attitude and opinions.


  • Behavioral: Customers express the misma actitud o disposició;n de á;Mood for the value proposition. It is something that we can determine through interviews, encuestas u otras estrategias de recolecció;n y aná;data analysis. Son variables tí;pikes of this criterion the expected benefits, the frequency of use, product loyalty, place of purchase and means of payment, among others.

¿;;how to identify the customer segment?

Cada uno de los renglones señ;alados en la secció;n anterior constituye una dimensió;n ú;to para identify the customer segment we should target. Ideally, to find our niche in the market, we will be interested in a group of clients relacionados geográ;permanently that they comply with equal condiciones demográ;you stay, they have a determined perfil psicoló;gico and manifest a favorable behavior towards our value proposition.

En cada dimensió;we shouldn't decide on the variables to consider, those that are relevant to the business; podemos escoger só;the one, several, or nothing. Despué;s, once we have the selected variables, we must proceed to give them value. For instance, if we have chosen sex and age as relevant elements, to specify the segment we must indicate something like: sexo masculino con edad entre 15 y 30 añ;os.

Ya con esto tendremos suficiente informació;n collected and we will be ready to identify the customer segment and correctly complete the Canvas model answering these questions:


  • ¿;Para quié;We are not creating value?

Aquí; debemos responder con aquellas variables que hemos seleccionado y que pensamos son las má;s important, with their respective assigned values.


  • ¿;Quié;nes son nuestros clientes má;s important?

They are the clients that fit into the profile that we have created using the variables already defined and that produce the highest profitability for the business..


Questions to ponder

Una vez que hemos identificado el segmento de clientes es conveniente reflexionar sobre las pró;next questions para saber si podemos segmentar aú;n má;It's the market:


  • Cuando los clientes en el segmento poseen caracterí;stics that are common, but have different problems or needs.


  • If by bringing the value proposition to the segment customers we need to use different channels.


  • When we relate in different ways with customers from the same segment.


  • If the money coming from the clients we are going to obtain it for various sources of income.

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