Customer relationship canvas • Types of relationships

El mó;dulo de Relació;n con los Clientes tiene como propó;I'm specifying ;How will the value proposition be connected to the customer segment?. In the scheme of metodo Canvas de negocio este es uno de los bloques que se asocia con la representació;n the market and is an element ú;til para sostener e incrementar la generació;no of business income.

One of the best ways to generate income in a business is to formulate appropriate strategies to attract and retain customers. In order to attract new customers, we must communicate our value proposition to them and to retain them, among other things, hay que brindarles una buena atenció;n. Está; of course then that es conveniente establecer una relació;n suitable for customers.

If we want determine the best ways to relate es muy importante conocer muy bien las caracterí;statistics that define each customer segment and en qué; extent these are identified with the value proposition, considerando ademá;s los mú;multiple channels that we have available to access the market.

Ademá;s, en nuestras estrategias de relació;n with clients we must have clearly defined the effect we want to cause in the market. La motivació;shouldn't be create an image and generate prestige, algo que permitirá; implement a brand and ultimately provide added value to the business.

Types of customer relationships

Es el principal asunto a resolver en este mó;end. You have to answer briefly and concisely de qué; How will our value proposition relate to the customer segment?. Estas son algunas de las opciones má;s common that can be presented to us:

  • Personal: a travé;it's one comunicació;no direct, for instance: cara a cara o por ví;a telefó;nica.


  • From distance: is when a comunicació;no indirect, posiblemente con el uso recursos tecnoló;gicos as email, mensajerí;to or mailboxes.


  • Automated: I know emula la atenció;no direct to customer based on an automated process, por lo general utilizando herramientas informá;tics.


  • Individualized: it is offered private or exclusive service to the clients.


  • Collective: is provided atenció;n to a group of customers or community, organized in forums, talks, workshops.


  • A travé;s from third parties: when our value proposition reaches the customer segment by entities or external services to the company, for instance: asistentes de venta para pó;insurance leases.


  • By self-service: the value proposition is provided in such a way that clients serve themselves.


  • Co-Creació;n: you have to the customer segment is an active part of the value proposition.


Other topics to ponder

In this section we are going to refer to tres tó;peaks on which you should reflect. Está;n planteados a manera de interrogante y seguramente te será;n muy ú;useful at the time of desarrollar el mó;dulo de relació;not with clients.

¿;;how to integrate these relationships to the other elements of the model?

Ademá;s de señ;alar your type, tambié;It is not important to know ;mo encajar este mó;dulo within the business model. That is to say, definir la forma en la que se va a conectar e interrelacionar con los otros mó;dulos, con el propó;site of obtaining a coherent and effective model. This will depend on the resources available.

¿;Qué; relationships we have now?

Es una cuestió;n necessary for contrast with the type of relationships customers need or want. Una evaluació;n continua de esta situació;n is something that will serve to establish the image of the business and impose and maintain a brand in the market.

¿;Qué; expenses generate me?

Tambié;n it is mandatory to quantify the costes de establecer y preservar cada tipo de relació;n that we have or wish to have with our clients. Esto es necesario para evaluar la viabilidad y rentabilidad de la relació;n in particular and business in general.

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